
Friend is a Verb

For my littles, who are worried about such things as this:


Friend is a verb.

You know, you’ve learned this in Grammar–a verb is something you do.

I know you think friend’s a noun-an improper one at that, but it is also a verb.

So when I hear you worrying over who your best friend is, or how to answer when someone asks you who it is, I want you to remember–

Friend is a verb.

Go and be your best self and friend some folks.  Good folks, folks who could use someone to stand alongside them.  Folks who are lonely, who are kind, who smile shyly when you ask if you can sit with them.  Folks who sit by their mailbox with their bike, waiting to be asked to join in the fun.  Folks without a bike, wishing they could join in the fun.

Be your very best you, and friend them.

Bring them into the fray, alongside you for the fun, invite them into your heart and to share the path on your journey.

Listen to their stories, hug them when they’re sad, laugh at their silly jokes, offer them a popsicle when it’s hot or your extra hat when it’s not.  Dance together in the rain and keep their secrets about favorite colors and how many times they can burp in a row.

Friend them.

Love them.  You pretty much can’t go wrong with that.

As time goes by, friendships evolve.  Some last longer than others, but all of them–every single one of our friends are worthy of our best, aren’t they?

Don’t worry about labelling any one person as your “best” friend.  That sort of limits the possibilities of all the adventures you can have with all of the amazing people who come into your lives.

So maybe the next time someone asks you who your best friend is, smile and tell them you are being the “best friend” you can be to all the people you care about–I don’t know, maybe just look at them and say, “Friend is a verb, and I’m doing it the best I can.”

Or maybe, don’t worry about such silly questions and just go have some fun.  Life is too short to be worrying over things like choosing one person over another.  So many beautiful people, so many folks to love and cherish and enjoy and treasure–why limit your heart to just one?

Friend is a verb.

Now go and friend as best you can, as only you can, my bright and amazing crew.

Love to all.  The very best kind.  Always.

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