


Vertigo is not fun.

If you’ve never had it, here’s how my bouts with it usually start.

I wake up and turn my head and suddenly my bed, my whole room is spinning.  Even closing my eyes doesn’t stop the sensation.

Fortunately, it’s usually manageable.  I just take extra care not to turn my head suddenly or bend at the waist.

Like I forgot and did a few minutes ago.

Not.  Good.

When it hits me like that, I just sit down. Stop.

I am still.

And eventually the world rights itself again.

And I am thankful.

As I was sitting there, on the floor, next to the thing I bent over to pick up, waiting for the spinning to stop, it occurred to me that life is very much like that.

Something shifts and our world goes topsy-turvy.  Unfortunately, in the midst of that, it is rare that I find myself able to let things go, sit, and be still, but until I do, chaos ensues.  I only contribute to the spinning madness.

Once I can sit, listen to the quiet, and still my spirit, I usually find that things get set to right again.  Oh, I’m not saying it’s easy or that I don’t have to do something to right my world at some point.  What I have come to realize is that if I still my soul before taking action, things seem to go so much better.

And the vertigo doesn’t last nearly as long.

Tonight I’m thankful for the stillness.  And the quiet.  And the peace in my soul that comes from simply sitting.  And not trying to fight all that is out of order all at once.  And I am thankful for the grace that allows me to get back up and try again, once the spell is over.

Wishing you all a moment to sit and be and still your soul.  Love to all.


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