
the pen

If I could give you anything, anything at all, it would be a pen. One you wouldn't lose, no matter how hard you seemingly tried to do so. I would give you a pen which wrote in any color you imagined at the moment. With this pen, with any words you put down on paper,… Continue reading the pen


where were you?

some are going to ask you, "Where were you?," you know and others will claim you were never absent that all things work to the good and words like that   I won't ask you I'm not sure I'm ready for the answer but I do wonder why all the brokenness in the midst of… Continue reading where were you?


The Better to See You…..With

It has occurred to me in the past few days, perhaps not for the first time, that this whole being "with" that I am trying to step outside of my comfort zone and embrace, it will take a different set of eyes.  People, including myself, don't always tell folks when they need help or a hug or… Continue reading The Better to See You…..With